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Writer's pictureUncle Bubble Tea

What is your favorite topping to put in bubble tea?

Again, my followers (0) keep asking me a ton of questions and one in particular is what is your favorite topping to put in bubble tea?

Now I know what you’re saying, isn’t the primary topping to put in bubble tea for it to be called that is tapioca pearls (aka boba, bubbles)?

For me bubble tea has evolved from just your regular tea or milk tea with tapioca pearls in it. Nowadays, bubble tea enthusiasts can add in all different type of toppings such as herbal jelly, pudding, nata jelly, white pearls (tapioca without the brown sugar syrup), and many others that I am too lazy to name here. Bubble tea to me, has become a general term for a tea based drink with whatever toppings you wish to put and make your own.

Getting back to the question of what is my favorite topping to put in bubble tea. As a kid just having been introduced to bubble tea, I would automatically say that the bubbles (aka tapioca pearls, boba) would be my favorite topping to add in my bubble tea drink. As a full-fledged adult who has many experiences in drinking bubble tea and adding in a myriad of toppings over the years, my favorite topping has changed. I will always have a soft spot for tapioca pearls because they are my first love, but now that I’ve grown and matured, so have my tasted buds. With that said, my favorite topping to put now in bubble tea is pudding. It has a light and sweet taste to it that’s not over-bearing and you don’t need to really chew it. Pudding is where it’s at.

These are my opinions alone, but I would enjoy hearing what favorite topping do you like to put in your bubble tea? #UncleBubbleTea #bubbletea #doyoububbletea @UncleBubbleTea

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