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Writer's pictureUncle Bubble Tea


Updated: Apr 17, 2022

I never enjoyed being asked “Why are you even stressed?” It has such a negative connotation to it. I understand that some other people’s stresses are weighted differently, but I believe each person’s stress is just as important. I’d like to stress this point (no pun intended) because you can never understand fully what a person is going through unless you get inside of their head and take a deep dive into their problems and emotions.

I can’t imagine any adult hasn’t gone or isn’t going through some stress right now, whether it is a good stress to improve your situation or health or a bad stress that is consuming you that you should work to lessen and remove. Each person has their own ways to attempt to cope with their stress and some more than others are effective. While one person’s stress has more weight to it, that person might be able handle that stress better than someone who is dealing with a stress with less weight to it. For this reason, I am stressing the point that each stress should be taken as equally as important as another since you never know which stress can lead to someone inflicting self-pain or hurting someone else or others. We must tread lightly and make sure we are understanding of what other people may be going through.

Back the question at hand of “Why are you even stressed?” Well, this could be answered in an almost infinite number of ways. It can be financially related, problems with relationships, mental struggles, work related, health problems, or simply having a bad day. We cannot dismiss how a person is feeling simply because we assume that they shouldn’t be having any stress from the life we may perceive they are living. It is not and should be as simple as that. While I was often asked that question and was going through a dark time in my life where I was depressed and trying to find myself, I simply just said “I don’t know”, as if I shouldn’t even have to feel stressed. I felt cowardly towards myself, my feelings, and who I was since I wasn’t honest with myself. It’s ok to feel stressed no matter who you are and to let people know that. Even people who you see might have the most perfect lives can live with a ton of stress each day. Rather than ask the question “Why are you even stressed?”, simply ask the person “How are you today?” You never know where one stress might lead to and how one question can help a person out. Be kind and learn to deal with your stress in a productive way.

P.S. I’m sorry if some parts ramble. I am not a writer by nature and only wrote was on the top of my head. This was all unedited. Thank you!

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